David Hasselford

The junior developer leaves his screens to grab a coffee or two, and maybe start meeting new colleagues. The mid senior developer notices that the newby hasn't blocked his session, so he places a photo of David Hasselford in all his screens

The dev manager always laughs with jokes, specially when seeing a photo of David Hasselford in somebody's screens, but at that moment his face was serious, even worried I would say. He just got back from a meeting, from a meeting in the dark room

The junior developer comes back to his dock and sees the David Hasselford photo. He starts shouting and pushing the keyboard like a crazy young man. I quit, he cries, I quit

Later that day, the dev manager is throwing a ball to the mid senior developer. Both of them are connected in a video call with a third person: Mr. DH

Mr. DH, says the dev manager, we have to stop doing this, there has been a meeting this morning in the dark room. Mr. DH answers: Meetings in the dark room are not important, code is important, blocking our screens is important. Ok, keeps saying Mr. DH, I think we are ready, no more new developers, we are going to upgrade. The mid senior developer smiles. The software will be released, concludes Mr. DH

In another part of the world, inside an office building, a young woman starts running her computer. She installs the new software and discovers the photo of David Hasselford when starting her duties

Eight hours later the young woman will be leaving the office with a smile in her face, she will run to her car and drive to the beach, she will throw away her clothes and get into the sea and she will have freedom and happiness